Monday, January 31, 2011

Emergency Dental Treatment Plattsburgh NY

Dental Emergency Treatment
Plattsburgh NY

Dr. Athena Graves, DDS

If you’re having a dental emergency – call us as soon as you can. We’ll get you in right away. Dr. Graves has extensive training in the treatment of emergencies and she can quickly diagnose the problem, relieve any discomfort and provide effective treatment.

If you have lost a tooth due to an accident or other trauma, call us and when you come in be sure to bring the tooth with you. It’s best to try to put the tooth back into the pocket it came and get in to see us immediately. If that’s not possible, put the tooth into a container of milk or water. Be sure not to touch the root of the tooth.

Broken teeth, lost teeth, and most other dental damage can usually be treated in one visit.

Visit our main web site to learn more about our dental treatment services in Plattsburgh NY

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dentures Dentist Plattsburgh NY

Plattsburgh NY
Beautiful Natural Dentures

If you select dentures as a replacement for missing teeth, we can design and fit natural-looking dentures that won’t slip. Recent technology allows us to anchor a denture plate so securely that you no longer have to worry about the foods you eat and your slipping and shifting dentures. If you are already a denture wearer, we invite you to ask us about this procedure. It will make your life so much easier.

Dentures Plattsburgh NY

Champlain Smiles Dental Office
Airport Plaza • 762 Route 3
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Root Canal Treatment Plattsburgh NY

Saving Hopeless Teeth
Teeth with roots that have been damaged or infected used to require extraction, which can cause a lot of problems and should be done as a last resort. When dental decay reaches the nerve of the tooth (or the tooth has become infected), a simple filling does not suffice. A root canal can save the tooth by removing the pulp of a tooth and replacing it with a filling material. Root canals of the past were quite painful and gained a reputation as something to be avoided. However, with today’s modern anesthetics and technology, we can perform root canals that are quite tolerable and often times even painless!

Visit Champlain Smiles in Plattsburgh NY for dental root canal treatment!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dental Braces Dentist Plattsburgh NY

Orthodontics Dentist Plattsburgh NY
Dental Braces

An Investment in Your Health and Self-Esteem
We all know how important a great smile can be for adults as well as growing children. An unattractive smile can make you or your child self-conscious and hurt your self-esteem. Misaligned teeth and jaws can also cause pain and adversely affect your ability to chew, talk, and keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Using the newest techniques and highest quality materials available in modern orthodontics, we have helped patients ages 5 to 75 achieve their best-looking smiles and optimal dental health. You, too, can have the beautiful, straight smile you’ve always wanted!

Dental Braces Orthodontics Plattsburgh NY

Champlain Smiles Dental Office
Airport Plaza • 762 Route 3
Plattsburgh, NY 12901